ENGLISH TO GO – November 2023

Why do we dress up at Halloween?

Dressing up at Halloween brings out the playful and creative spirit in people of all ages.

Foto: Kiselev Andrey Valerevich/Shutterstock.com

Halloween is based on an old Celtic festival, called Samhain (pronounced “sah-win”). Samhain marked the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter. People believed that on the night of 31st October the border between the living and the spirit world opened and ghosts wandered the Earth. To protect themselves from evil spirits, people wore animal skins and masks. They hoped that the spirits would be confused and not notice they were still alive.

When Christianity spread through Europe, the church created a new holiday on 1st November, “All Saints’ Day”. The evening before was called “All Hallows’ Eve” and later turned into Halloween. When Irish and Scottish immigrants went to America, they took Halloween with them, and the tradition became very popular.  It soon turned into the big community celebration we know today, with parades, parties, games – and, of course, costumes!

Costumes are probably the most important part of modern Halloween. They can be spooky, scary, funny, or creative – they can even be inspired by pop culture! People dress up as ghosts, witches, vampires, or zombies, or choose to become their favourite fictional characters or celebrities. You can become whoever you want for an evening.

And today, it’s not only for Americans anymore! Not too long ago, Halloween parties became popular in Europe. They are a great chance to dress up and join in with the fun. Choosing a costume and seeing others dressed up makes Halloween such a festive experience. This is the main reason why people love dressing up at Halloween: it gives you the chance to celebrate an old tradition, be creative, and enjoy spending time with family and friends!


Read the text about why we dress up on Halloween and answer the questions on your worksheet.


Have your worksheet ready. First, read questions 1–9 below. Then listen to the recording.

The Halloween Party

The Halloween Party

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