ENGLISH TO GO – Mai 2024

Fabulous food

First up, we are sharing experiences from young people making big changes to their diets. Then, we chat with Jaden, a TikTok star known for his kitchen fails.

Foto: Stock-Asso/Shutterstock.com


Read the text about becoming a vegetarian and answer the questions on your worksheet.

Reading: Going vegetarian or vegan

Have you ever thought about going vegetarian or a vegan? We asked our readers to write in with their experiences. Many did, so here are some of the most interesting answers.

Krystal S from Birmingham:

Last year, one of my New Year’s resolutions was to go vegetarian. So, at the beginning of January, I told my mum that I was going to stop eating meat. She was very supportive and decided to also stop eating meat. We tried to find other things to eat instead. Together we came up with some really tasty recipes. We have both been vegetarian for over a year now and have never regretted it.

Gerome Y from Leeds:

My girlfriend has been vegan for over 3 years now and she convinced me to try it out. Last month, I decided to give it a go. I have to say it is not for me. I felt tired a lot. I think I just wasn’t eating enough to get all the calories I needed. I was also eating too many carbohydrates. So, I stopped after three weeks. Never again!

KiKi L from Cardiff:

I stopped eating meat years ago because I don’t like how animals are treated for food. I recently took the next step and went vegan. I am really happy with my decision. I feel so much healthier and happier. Now I know that no animals are hurt because of me. Best choice ever!!!

Cazzie W from Newcastle:

I have been thinking about going vegetarian for a while now. The problem is that everyone in my family loves meat. We have it for most of our meals. My family would not be happy if I stopped eating meat. But I tried some ‘fake’ bacon not long ago and it tasted very similar to real bacon. I will just have to show my family this is a good choice! Wish me luck!

Foto: autumnn/Shutterstock.com

Listening: Cook with Jaden

Listening: Cook with Jaden

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