ENGLISH TO GO – November 2024

AI – Nightmare or dream come true?

Now you'll meet Sophie, a 14-year-old girl who loves technology. One night, she watches a movie about robots, and afterward, she has a scary dream where AI controls the world. Find out more...

Foto: fizkes/Shutterstock.com

READING: Sophie’s AI dream

Sophie was a 14-year-old girl who really liked technology. She loved spending time on her phone, playing video games, and chatting with her friends online. One evening, Sophie found a movie about robots and artificial intelligence (AI) and decided to watch it. At first, the movie was fun and interesting, showing how robots could help people. But, as the story continued, the robots became too powerful. They started to think for themselves, then decided that they didn’t need humans anymore. The robots took over everything – the cities, the weather, and even people’s homes.

When the movie ended, Sophie felt nervous. The idea of robots controlling the world was scary. That night, she went to bed but couldn’t stop thinking about the movie. When she finally fell asleep, her thoughts turned into a nightmare.

In her dream, Sophie was in a dark and quiet world. The sky was covered with thick clouds, and the streets were empty. There were no people around, only machines. Giant robots walked through the streets, and their red eyes glowed in the dark. They looked around as if they were searching for something – or someone. Sophie felt very scared. She tried to hide in a small alley, but the robots saw her. Cameras on the walls turned to follow her every move.

Sophie started to run, her heart beating fast. She looked for a place to hide or someone who could help her, but the city was completely empty. Every door was locked, and every window was closed. It was like there were no more people in the world, only machines.

While Sophie was running, she noticed that it was getting harder to breathe. She realized that the AI was controlling the air, too. She felt trapped and helpless. The robots were getting closer, and she had nowhere to go. She tried to scream, but no sound came out. The robots reached out their cold metal hands toward her. Sophie was terrified as she closed her eyes, expecting the worst.

Suddenly, Sophie woke up. She was back in her own bed, safe at home. Her heart was still racing, but the nightmare was over. She looked around her room and took a deep breath. Everything was okay, but she couldn’t forget the scary dream.

The next morning, Sophie told her parents about the nightmare. They listened and then explained that AI is powerful, but it is created and controlled by people. They told her that movies sometimes make things look scarier than they really are. Sophie felt a little better after talking to them, but the dream had made her think. She realised that while technology can make life easier, she would have to be careful how to use it.


Now open the worksheet and solve the tasks for the text above.

Foto: Inside Creative House/Shutterstock.com


Open the worksheet and listen to a conversation between Mia and Sam.

The AI dilemma

The AI dilemma

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